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The Persuasive Speech Outline

The Persuasive Speech Outline

Q For this assignment, you must follow the five steps of The Monroe's Motivated Sequence Pattern (Links to an external site.) to format your Persuasive Speech Outline. Be sure to label each step in your outline. This link will allow you to see a sample Persuasive Speech Outline in the Monroe's Motivated Sequence Pattern: (Links to an external site.) Remember to include at least 3 sources in MLA format on your Works Cited page. PreviousNext

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Attention: Imagine that you are in the car and suddenly you see an accident, or a car crash, imagine the marks on the floor of the wheels, the metal parts on the floor, the glass all over the floor, maybe blood, maybe people crying, the siren of the ambulance or police. Imagine that this was you in the car accident, maybe with parents, siblings, husband, wife, kids, etc. This is the most common global epidemic and is called texting while driving. We need to correct this bad habit, there are approximatelya50 accidents daily only in Florida State, currently, years ago they existed the alcohol factor and drugs and now you have to add the cell phone factor and texting. We can prevent and be mindful of the consequences of this act.